Upon encountering the film Influencer, I wasn’t super stoked. At first glance, I thought the film, now streaming on horror platform, Shudder, would be on my watch list since it lacked the supernatural undertones that usually draw me to horror films. 

Then there was the title – hmm, didn’t say much to me.

In some respects, it resembled The Rental, a flick without any menacing ghosts or malevolent ghouls and a title that uninspired me. However, that thriller was unexpectedly enjoyable, which persuaded me to consider Influencer with a more open mind.

Influencer was not just a psychological thriller but a maze of convoluted twists and turns. Interestingly, the story comes from the antagonist’s point of view, allowing us to witness her plan unfold. I watched and wondered about her next calculated move as she got more bogged down with unexpected obstacles.

Why Influencer probably deserves to be on your watchlist will be explored in the subsequent paragraphs, ensuring a spoiler-free discourse for those yet to experience this intriguing feature.


The Dark Side of Social Media Stardom

Influencer begins with Madison, a social media influencer whose brightness might not match her popularity, and whose self-esteem seems to be precariously balanced. 

Upset by an unexpected disappointment when her boyfriend, Ryan, leaves her stranded ahead of a much-anticipated vacation to Thailand, Madison decides to venture out solo.

In Thailand, Madison meets CW, a charismatic young woman who appears to be an ideal companion. 

Madison’s journey gets more complicated upon pairing up with CW, but she doesn’t know it yet.

While CW appears to be the perfect friend, Madison is drawn into more danger, but she doesn’t seem to see signs as much as she should and brushes them off.

Influencer employs a slow-burn approach to story-building. The opening scene offers a tantalizing hint of the malevolence yet to unfold. While watching it, I kept thinking back to that opening scene as I saw Madison hopping around Thailand without much intrigue. I knew sooner or later that one scene would prove pivotal, so it kept my attention. 


Remember that familiar saying: “Appearances can be deceiving.” The film takes this theme and weaves it through the story all the way to the end. By using the world of social media, where so much is just smoke and mirrors, this lesson is demonstrated in how Madison and CW’s carefully curated personas are nothing but a ruse. 

Madison and CW are both disguised behind their projected identities that sharply contrast against their outward appearances at times. Both are deceiving in their own ways, displayed most obviously at the film’s end. 

Influencer is a lesson that you can’t judge everything by outward appearances because the truth hides within us all and those who take such a simplistic approach are doomed to pay a high price. 

Between Friendships and Fear

Influencer gives us a nuanced portrayal of the relationship between Madison and CW that on the surface, seems rather superficial, but it has been well thought out in the film. 

Initially, one could easily believe that Madison’s character is mere decoration against the strong-willed and enigmatic CW.  However, the film delves into Madison’s character, which doesn’t readily reveal itself, although hints of her true nature are sprinkled throughout.

One of the movie’s most potent scenes unfolds on a beautiful Thai beach when CW momentarily breaks character telling a chilling tale that Madison refuses to believe. 

The CW character deserves special mention here as she managed a delicate balance. She easily moves between the superficial charm and darker elements of her personality.

The relationship between Madison and CW isn’t what it seems as it’s disguised, even to the audience. 

Final Thoughts

Influencer looks at the perplexing dance between truth and deception when the veil is lifted. It makes us question what we see and hear as truth, especially in the digital landscape that’s portrayed just for our benefit much of the time. 

I was particularly struck by the choice to focus on CW, whose personality leaves much to be desired. It’s a daring move to spotlight such a morally bereft character.

Once you’ve immersed yourself in the deceptive tranquility and unfolding horrors of Influencer, do share your thoughts with me. 

It’s always fascinating to delve deeper into these complex narratives, and your perspective would certainly add another layer to this intriguing cinematic experience.

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